Indiana Jones 5 Movie
Some hard-core fans may have been disappointed by the last Indiana Jones movie, but the public mostly enjoy it, even the part with the flying saucer. Indy 4 was actually one of the best grossing movie of 2008 second to the Dark Knight only. So no wonder that they're thinking about making Indiana Jones 5.
Not so long ago George Lucas told Fox News:
"I haven’t even told Steven or Harrison this, but I have an idea to make Shia LaBeouf the lead character next time and have Harrison Ford come back like Sean Connery did in the last movie. I can see it working out."
George Lucas
So we are likely to see a hand-down of the torch from Harrison Ford to Shia LaBeouf. The fourth movie was already pointing in this direction.
Now Shia Labeouf has confirmed that there is an Indiana Jones 5 movie ahead of us:

"Steven Spielberg just said that he cracked the story on it before I left and I think they're gearing that up."
Shia Labeouf
I don't mind seeing the Indiana Jones movie series switching to Shia Labeouf starting Indy V. But please make his character grow up a bit: Mutt (Shia Labeouf) was kind of starry eyed in the fourth movie. So I hope he will more of an experienced adventurer in the movie Indiana Jones 5.